Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Today we went to Wissahickon Park like I said we would. When we got there we were met by a member of the Friends of the Wisshickon, his name was Kevin. He asked us to look as we walk and see how we could improve the park and make it more accessible. Just as I expected it was balls of fun and so many people riding bikes it was really cool , people of all ages were riding. I saw that many people use the park for hiking, family walks, and sightseeing. I would definately recommend that if you want to be close to nature or just want fresh air then go to the Wissahickon park.
What I loved the most I would have to say was the the water and the waterfall it was just so beautiful to me and I liked how the birds just use the river as nesting grounds, this amazed me. One thing that we could do to help the park is to make some type of stand with water and chips and pickup the trees and sticks that have fallen. Along with that they could make the road more level. Another thing that could help is if they would redo the Bridges because they are not sturdy enough. I almost forgot they should have sitting tables so people can sit and eat or just to relax. Not only would people come out more to the park if they had tables and seats but the park could have events. Over all I believe the park is great and just needs a little work, but it is really great for people to run and bike. I also think that they should have another trail for bikers and runners. They shoudl aslo make the trail for the bikers wider because it seemed to me that they did not have too much room to ride and enjoy the park.

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