Thursday, July 23, 2009

Katrina also touched my heart

Now I am not an soft person but Katrina got to me that an tear came down to just see so many people in need and no one wanted to help. I mean the USA talk about how we stick together and help one another and justice for all were was it Aug.26 and up. I mean its not like they didn't know as I saw they had news crews to video tape it so the same helicopters could of been saving instead of flying by. When I saw that there was babies that we dieing or had not eaten in days I knew that we are not safe or protected from anything like they told them that buses was coming that never came and if they would not have lied someone mom would be here today. It just made me so mad to see that how they did not come straight with the people the first time the news knew it was going to be danger and if not then the walls should have been put up right. But the people had me thinking like they said they heard like an explosion like an bomb makes me think if Bush had something to do with that to I mean it would not be the first time he has killed innocent people to make it seem like another. As the people said it would have been over money. The way they just had people sitting there for days on end with nothing is sick. When ever Canada troops or what ever they were can come over and help out that lets me know who ever else wants to just come over to our state. Not only that but how some one else can care about our people and our own gov. don't. I believe in my heart that so much more could have been done before the hurricane and when it was going on and after it but it wasn't and you know why it wasn't just like no one knows why there was nothing really done about 911 because when push comes to shove America is not free and safe or cared about because we worry about money and things that just don't matter when we should be looking for ways to help the world. We are the main ones killing and bringing it down. It amazes me how we say under God were do you see in our everyday lives under god no were because if it was we would not be at war or worried about the economy or judging others on were they come from or what they look like. We live in a world were we are forced or forced to believe what the news say or what they want us to see but when it all comes down we lie to our selves to paint an ugly picture.

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