Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Route To Wissahickon

Tomorrow we are going to Wissahickon Park, we will be taking the Septa R6. We are going to leave at 1:00 pm. Once we are there we will be observing the park and thinking of ways that we can improve it and make it more accessible. Our goal is to think of ways that will make it easier for people to enjoy the park. While we are there we will think about how much it has changed over time and try to understand the reasons behind these changes. As I said in my other blog I had looked it over this weekend so this should be interesting and something new for the group to see and learn about as well. We were already told about how people from around the world have brought seeds from other countries to the park and changed what grow there; so I want to see just how that affected the land. Hopefully by the end of this program we will have come up with a way for the public to be able to take more pleasure in all that the park has to offer. If you would like to see the route we will be taking to get to the park click on this link: http://tinyurl.com/lpsxhu
-Satiecka Hearn

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