Monday, July 27, 2009

Parkway on Friday

What can I learn from our experience on friday?I learned that other people are influencing the environment we live in and are around. Also that erosion plays a big part on the way the soil and the landscape changes every single year.

What could have been better about the trip?
The trip could've been better if the walking was kept a little bit shorter and the information was given out a little bit better we barely learned anything it was kind of a nature walk. Also if lunch could have been somewhere we caould have sat down at instead of near the river on concrete.

How can this influence the future?
This can help us influence the future by taking what we know and applying it to everday life. We can clean up the lower parts of the schukyll by picking up trash and make a better living environment for animals. We can also put in cleaner "port-o-potties" for not only men but women with a germ phobia.

In conclusion with efforts like these the schukyll can be a better living environment with also better living conditions.
It only takes one person with an idea to influence millions

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