Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Encounter

Today my group and I went out on a hiking adventure. We met up with Kevin from Friends of The Wissihickon, and from there we hiked up and down the creek. Along the way we stopped at different key points in our walk. One of the things that Kevin mentioned was "signage". it basically is signs that show you where you are and things that could possibly save you if you were lost. The second thing was erosion. In and around the park erosion is a major issue. Because the creek is at the end of the hill water rushes down the sloped sides. And with it comes down trees, uplifting roots and such. Also there is what is called Invasive Weeds. That is when a certain type of plant pops up in a stretched area or patches and just invades and grows. Usually these weeds aren't native to the Wissihickon.

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