Monday, August 10, 2009

looking back

I was just looking back at my first blog and i realized i accomplished all that i wanted to accomplish like;
  • I know who to use google maps productively
  • and obviously i learned how to use a blog
  • and the rest i wrote that i dont remember at this time
Sooo yeah um that about it for now.

Finally Finished

I'm finally finished my presentation and if i don't say so myself IT'S AWESOME. Through out this program i learned alot. So I'm definitely going to ally for this job again and tell my friends about it to. but i dont think they would be up for the hiking thing. But to be honest it's not that bad, WELL except for that last hike we did. That one was a challenge... but still fun.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Shykira Blog !!!

How I feel About This Program And The Presentation That Is Coming Up Umm I Really Dont Know I Guess I Feelins tho That I Loved The Program Made Friend Wit Everybody Exept Tyler Lol Sike naw but Umm I Like That We Are Having A Presentation to Show The Work That We Been Doing The Past Weeks. The Presentation Is Showing That How Much We Did Work In Here And We Are Sowing It So I guess That I Loved The Program And The Presentation And My Friends ;

The program so far part 2

The program so far has been good so far i believe the highlights of it so far was the carnival day. I never had a carnival day at work so it was a good surprise to me. After we ate food and saw the hang over it was super funny! This program has showed me many things especially the aspect that you can have fun at work. I enjoyed this program and hope to have the last week be the best week yet.

P.S Getting Paid is the best

A very good influence

During this whole program so far i had a very well experience. Before i wouldn't really care for parks safety. But now I'm making suggestions how to fix them. So i think this program is a very good influence on people. That is how i feel about this program.

Powerpoint Presentation!

My sketch up is mainly about building a rest area for travelers. I think this would be a great idea for the improvements of the Wissahickon Park. From my experience their wasn't enough rest areas for people to relax or take a break before there trip. Also i think that the PowerPoint is a great way to explain and describe your sketch up.Presenting my sketch up is a great way to inform people about what I'm trying to get through.

A Catapillar to a Butterfly

Over the passed few weeks I've learned how to use sketchup. Sketchup is the best. Recently I just sketched a basketball court. It was a success. I have grown over the weeks. I am more equipped on the environment. I'm more aware of global warming. I recycle more, and do less polluting. This program is the best!!!!!!!!

Not feeling this to much but i want to do my best )=

This week is really our last week and next week we have to present next week. Basically what we want changed and done at Wissahickon. The only thing is I don't really want to because I am very shy when I don't know people I may stop up a little we I speak but other than that I have to say about this Program. When I first came to the program I felt a way about alot like what if I don't like the program or if I don't understand but as it went on I LOVED coming like it became apart of me and changed me in so many ways. I learned how to use google in a new way and I also learned that there was an park named Wissahockon.

An tourists touch

So bloggers, your in for a awesome idea that does justice to many. To you i propose an idea that creates an open are in the park which allows people to sit down and take a break from the long hike. To comfort thet tourists, there are benches, rest rooms, consession stand, tables, hammocks and other comforting things to relieve a long days walk. But all in alll to make this space you have to clear up alot of space to create this area. Some obstacles for doing so would be clearing out many of the trees, cutting the grass, leveling out the dirt areas and filling in the holes so that you can lay down a stone or paved surface.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Now this was an adventure!

Yesterday we went on a real adventure, we went to Wissahickon Park again and we actually hiked instead of staying on one FLAT surface. First,we started out with the norm(just walking the trail) then came the hard part we walked of the cement and got our feet dirty I was looking like oh they must be playin' with me! It was really hot and i was being really dramatic saying I couldn't breath because of the elevation but we didn't even start going up the hill yet.But, when we did start going up the hill, the path was getting more narrow by the minutes I was looking like where is the path going and then once again we came across some construction work that was not being finished and it was really dangerous to walk over so we had to be very cautious. Then we stopped at this cave it was very funny because they was telling us how some man built it when he thought that the world was going to end. That cave could hardly fit my 4 year old cousin in it and he was hiding from the world! After we went up further and took a break we started our journey back down that was much better then going up even though I saw a spider but i was brave enough to just walk by it(ha ha).Then we got on the train and went home.The end!

This week so far

This week started off fine on Monday we was suppose to go to Wissahickon again but we didn't because it was to hot. So instead we watched who killed the electric vehicle. The whole movie was basically talking about why GM would not allow them to be sold. What the people could not understand is why they would be wanting to put more gas killers on the road that was killing the world more. On the other hand were the electric cars save more and faster and easier to drive. On Tuesday we went to Wissahickon were we hiked to an cave that was build because a man thought the world was going to end. After that we went to an clef were and man had got married I seen that Wisshickon was an very historical place.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Death

Well blog viewers, today we watched a movie called the Death of The Electric Car. The movie to me seemed to be a flunk. It wasnt very interesting. I didnt understand the informative part about it. Hippies just expressed about how they felt that their eco friendly mobile was tooken out of production. But the theme it gave was important. Anything that is better for the enviorment is a better in any book. But some folks dont see that. Keep you posted on our exciting movement. To the right is the boring electric car that for some odd reason a very desirable car in the mid 90s
This image is from Google images

Monday, July 27, 2009

i choose this idea because there was a lack of space for people to sit at and relax, and there wasnt any trashcans


To make the the parks a better place it needs more recycle trash cans. If there were a recycling can every 100 steps you take, it would be useful for the environment. Recycling needs to be taken seriously. Without recycling our planet will became a big waste dump and it will be hard for us to breathe. Recycling cans in the parks is a must. Be mindful to use the 3 R's; Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

something that needs to be added to Wissahickon

First and foremost walking around for so long can make a person tired so I have came up with an area to sit and relax for an moment. Now I would like the back of it to made out of stone as you see but it has to be brick stone. The floor to be wood.I think the park needs this because kids can play games and families can have family fun also it just would be an peaceful place to chill.

The Benjamin Parkway!

They Rehabilitated the Parkway because of the trees that were already lost and severely diseased. For the individual removal and replacement of trees it will prevent the overall improvement of the planting soil. In the late 1970s The Benjamin Parkway was decline of the parkway's formal planting scheme that was noticeable to the public. This issue worsened funds that were sought,and by the 1980s they research more about this problem.Over the last few months informational public meetings has been held concerning the conditions and intended approach.

Fish in the schuykill

There are many fihs that inhabit the schuykill today. Between Flathead Catfish, Trout, and Shad. These fish all live in the schuykill because, like the catfish, some of these fish live here because they are most comfortable in coastal waters. Also another comparison is that they all enjoy freshwater environments in which they make their inhabitance. These fish aren't really harmful to humans except in the rarest of forms (catfish-Wels catfish), but other than that they are perfectly ok to eat and non-lethal.

Also inhabiting the schuykill are river shad or herring which are one of the most popularly caught fish in the western hemisphere. In 2005 over 600,000 were caught, however because of commercial damns and other river blockage they have been unable to migrate and spawn. This caused in a decline of their existance from 2005. Management policies have come into effect and now there is a limit on how many fish you are allowed to catch and what kinds you are are allowed to take from lakes, ponds and streams

Finally there are also Trout which are if not the most popular and well known fish its up there just like herring. Trout are not only good to eat or good for you but they are one of the most populated species of animals in the world. They are usually found in cool waters around 50-60 degrees Celsius and vary from size and color. The most common form of trout is rainbow trout. Even though it doesnt run in this river it is very popular and caught oftenly.

In conclusion, The fish of this river should be protected and valued as much as any other life and these details about them should only help in the further movement of the cleaning of the Schuykill.

(Photos & Information from

Flooding Systems

Flood Warning and Response System for the Susquehanna River
Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania

The U.S army is creating and enhance FWRS for the Susquehanna river Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania it is located 90 miles of Harrisburg. Five countries are included in the FWRS

Over the years there have been many floods the worst was in 1972 were the water reached the levees crest that it over topped the levees and caused one billion dollars in damage. Right now the U.S is working on the a FWRS that provides an accurate timely flood forecast.


Erosion is a key factor in the Wissahickon, erosion is the removal of solids from a certain area when water comes rushing down on that spot. There are 5 types of erosion and they include water erosion, gravity erosion, shoreline erosion, ice line erosion, and wind erosion. A perfect example of erosion is the Grand Canyon in Arizona. Faded paint, Sand on the beach, exposed rocks or smooth rocks, for example the ones for skipping, and rust on metal are some examples of weathering and erosion. Erosion basically exposes everyt part of a tree from the stump. Roots are shown and such. Depostition is what would lead to filling in those gaps

Gentrification ;

In the past, many large older homes in New Orleans,Atlanta had been converted to boarding houses. Recently, middle-income families have been buying these houses and converting them back into Single-Family Homes.The lower-income residents are often forced to move to surrounding areas and are replaced by the middle-income renovators. As this process is repeated, Gentrification of the neighborhood occurs.But Um I Think That It Is Wrong Because , The Middle Incomers Should Be Fixing The Houses To Make Sure The Lower Incomers Can Have A Place To Stay And To Take care Of Their Children. Instead Of Just Converting Them back Into Single family Homes ;

What have I learned from the Wissahickon

In 1930 (FOW) Friends of the Wissahickon collected $9,000 (which is like$250,000 today) from a six-year period since the organization started in 1924. This money was contributed to making 14,000 trees. During the Depression in the mid 1930's and the early 1940's The Wissachickon received $850,000 from (WPA) Works Project Administration. With that money the were able to build picnic shelters, guard houses, toilets, and even trails. In 2002 FOW was awarded $280,000. It was a grant from the William Penn Foundation. The grant made it possible for the organization to hire full-time professional staff.

Wissahickon Park ;

Well On Friday Me And My Group Went To The Wissahickon Park To Learn About Things.Well I Guess I Learned About Trails,Nature,And How To Use Google Maps. I really Think They can Make The Park Better By having More Porti Potties.Fix the Pavements So The bikers Can Ride Around. Have Water Fountains So The Ppl can Have Water To Drink.And Can At Least Try And Clean The Lake Take All The Trash Out Of It.
What I look Forward Into Learning More About The Park Is A lot Of Things. For Example ,Why Is there So Much Pollution In the Park ? So That About Everything I wanted To talk About. PEACE !


On Friday my group and I went to the Wissahickon Park. This was my first time going to the Wissahickon park. It was a exhausting but interesting day, we learned a lot about the ecological make-up of the park. Also while walking on Kelly Drive to East Falls Bridge, I learned that the people that cut down some of the trees, was for the criminals that might hide behind the trees. And another reason why they cut down the trees so that their be a better view sight. What i look forward to learning more about the park are the bridge engineers and the founders of the surroundings of the park.
Ello Blog Viewers, you're in for a treat today!

Ilearned that the park isn't suitable for all kinds of people. for instance, bikers and people walking cannot really be on the same path at all time. there is always an aggressive biker speeding through the narrow strip of pavement. there is a constant concern that people have to gesture to the right or the left depending on which way the oncoming biker is coming. So you really cannot take a leisurely walk through the park without having that in the back of your head.

Some things that can improve through the park is the lack of trashcans, and the narrow pavement. with these two problems being solved many other problems could be solved like the constant pollution in the park, on the grass, and trash in the banks of the river. But it wouldn't be a solution to the carelessness of people.
Secondly, the "strip" of pavement that many people share throught out the day is lacking. It needs to be refurbished in many ways and in many parts of the park. Like in some areas of the park there are big pothole like things which are dangerous to all kinds of people either on bikes, or wheelchairs, or even walking. They have to go out of their way just to simply get around this obstacle.

I look forward to getting closer into the woods area of the park that we will be visiting. I would like to go on hikes that are "off the beaten path". That would be something cool. I want to bring my bike along with me but it wouldn't be much fun since we are in a group enviorment.

Parkway on Friday

What can I learn from our experience on friday?I learned that other people are influencing the environment we live in and are around. Also that erosion plays a big part on the way the soil and the landscape changes every single year.

What could have been better about the trip?
The trip could've been better if the walking was kept a little bit shorter and the information was given out a little bit better we barely learned anything it was kind of a nature walk. Also if lunch could have been somewhere we caould have sat down at instead of near the river on concrete.

How can this influence the future?
This can help us influence the future by taking what we know and applying it to everday life. We can clean up the lower parts of the schukyll by picking up trash and make a better living environment for animals. We can also put in cleaner "port-o-potties" for not only men but women with a germ phobia.

In conclusion with efforts like these the schukyll can be a better living environment with also better living conditions.
It only takes one person with an idea to influence millions

Wissahickon Park

I learned that its not enough room for the walkers and bikers in the park. And some bikers get really angry if your in their way. What could be better about the park is that their should be a separate route for bikers and walkers. And that would solve the problem completely. I look forward to learning how to make a difference in a park. I just think that if the right person reads my ideas maybe they could put my ideas into action.


When we went to Wissahickon park I learned mostly about erosion and I learned that there are bikers riding up and down the trail we were walking on. What I learned about erosion is it is basically land being worn down into the ground because of weather. A littler bit of erosion took place at Wissahickon park. I also noticed that there were bikers riding up and down the trail i never knew that.What I think could have been better is the space to walk up the trail. It was a little tight because we had to stay out of the way for the bikers. I would have liked to learn more about the river. We were mostly learning about the land.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Kelly Drive and Fridays!

Yesterday our group went out and walked up and down kelly drive. It was a pretty good walk but, when we were walking on kelly drive we constantly had to move over for the bikers and the people that were jogging. I felt like the side walk could be wider for them and people who are walking. Then we also saw that it was still a little bit of construction work going on and that was irritating too so they need to get that together and finish that up. When we sat down to eat lunch a spider was crawling on me and I absolutly hate spiders and I really wanted freak out but its nature and I should expect that but, we had a good time down there and I hope that by the next time we go down there that consruction is finished because that was just a mess!
For picture click HERE

Friday, July 24, 2009

Kelly Drive

Today we walked down and up Kelly drive. The only thing that disturbed me was the lack of cleanness and work out into the sidewalk also I seen the same problem here that I seen at Wissahickon they need an trail for bikers and joggers and the signs they had for the pedestrians was not able to be seen if you were in a car.What I would like to learn about Kelly Drive is why are they working on the roads and not the sidewalks. Another thing is why did they have steps leading to the river it had no reason to be there . Over all I liked the walked it help me see that not all parks are done and that we the people need to do something to help.


Well Blog viewers, today the group and I walked along Kelly Dr. We walked a pretty good distance up and down. Some things i noticed along the way were that there was a lack of space between joggers and bike riders. Also there is a lack of space for people to sit comfortably. And finally there aren't many trashcans along the way, and that there aren't any water fountains. Due to the lack of trashcans there was a very high amount of pollution not only on the pathway but in the water and the trees that line the river which isn't a positive thing. It is more like a deterrent

Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Tragic Moment!

Well today was an interesting day for me. I learned alot about Hurricane Katrina and how sad it was for the people who was there when it happened. It was a divasted moment for the people that lost alot such as families, homes etc. It was kind of sad for me to see how they lost so much and how today people all around the world complain about having so little. I think people that have a home to sleep in, food to eat, and clothes to wear should be lucky there not in the same predicament as the people in New Orleans.

Katrina also touched my heart

Now I am not an soft person but Katrina got to me that an tear came down to just see so many people in need and no one wanted to help. I mean the USA talk about how we stick together and help one another and justice for all were was it Aug.26 and up. I mean its not like they didn't know as I saw they had news crews to video tape it so the same helicopters could of been saving instead of flying by. When I saw that there was babies that we dieing or had not eaten in days I knew that we are not safe or protected from anything like they told them that buses was coming that never came and if they would not have lied someone mom would be here today. It just made me so mad to see that how they did not come straight with the people the first time the news knew it was going to be danger and if not then the walls should have been put up right. But the people had me thinking like they said they heard like an explosion like an bomb makes me think if Bush had something to do with that to I mean it would not be the first time he has killed innocent people to make it seem like another. As the people said it would have been over money. The way they just had people sitting there for days on end with nothing is sick. When ever Canada troops or what ever they were can come over and help out that lets me know who ever else wants to just come over to our state. Not only that but how some one else can care about our people and our own gov. don't. I believe in my heart that so much more could have been done before the hurricane and when it was going on and after it but it wasn't and you know why it wasn't just like no one knows why there was nothing really done about 911 because when push comes to shove America is not free and safe or cared about because we worry about money and things that just don't matter when we should be looking for ways to help the world. We are the main ones killing and bringing it down. It amazes me how we say under God were do you see in our everyday lives under god no were because if it was we would not be at war or worried about the economy or judging others on were they come from or what they look like. We live in a world were we are forced or forced to believe what the news say or what they want us to see but when it all comes down we lie to our selves to paint an ugly picture.

Josh made me see to be thankful

Today many things touched my heart the first thing that touched me was Josh many people that can't walk would be mean or not happy but he is truly brave.I say Josh is brave because he has an muscle disease that makes he not able to walk or breath alone very well. As I heard him tell how he has to get around he said that he has to have someone with him at all times and parks and places are hard to reach and he needs an machine to breath. When I heard that I just thought thank God for what I do and don't have I mean not being able to go to but so many place and getting around I would be depress but Josh takes it and makes the best I could tell his by spirit that he accepted the worst when it comes. When Josh told us sometimes he has to go through the kitchen to some restaurant's I knew that being in an motorize wheel chair was no joke at all.

Joy of Helping others

Well blog viewers. Today a very special and intelligent man came and gave us a question & answer session today. His name is Josh. Josh has a certain type of muscular disorder. So he is imobilized and is in a wheelchair since the age of 10. Although he is limited to certain things he still loves to go out and do whatever he is capable of accomplishing in his scooter. He enjoys going to the parks that are in and around the Philly area. But somethings are just to hard for him and others who are disabled like Josh himself are limited to certain things. For instance, Josh has a hard time drinking from the water fountain, sitting at benches, etc. So a solution to this problem would be that you can have like a cutout that people in scooters can just driver right into the cutout of the bench and sit in. Or for water fountains maybe make them shorter or just more accesible. Also the different types of surface is another issue. Smooth is always better. Josh sometimes gets knocked off balance when he hits a bump or something like that and his scooter joystick will get locked in and go full speed undirected which isnt a good thing.

Wissahickon Park "adventure"!

Wow! I did not know that we were going to be doing as much walking as we did yesterday! We went to Wissahickon Park and met up with our instructor dude Kevin. Then started the adventure we was hiking(if that's what you want to call it) up a long trail and there were bikers who kept telling us to get out of their way. Then every once in a while we would stop and talk about the things that we were seeing. We were talking about erosion and how at first the river very broad but throughout the years erosion took place and sucked the water up. It was a lot of weird looking bugs and stuff like that out there too. We are supposed to be going again tomorrow. I know now to take lots of water.!

Josh was nice!

Well, toady we had a very brave nice guy named Josh who is in a wheelchair come and tell us a little bit about his story and how his life is in the wheelchair. First he started off by introducing himself to use and telling use about a disease that involves his muscles and him not being able to move on his own or even walk so he is in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He told us that he has a nurse with him all day and one who is with him at nighttime. He said that he did not feel that alot of things were unfair to people like him and that he was okay with his condition and basically he was living life for what it is. So the whole point of this sesion was to find out what kind of things he think that could be approved for people in wheelchairs at parks in Philly. He finsaid that it was hard for him to be on benches and to drink from out of water fountains,and he also said that he could'nt role over gravil and things of that nature. So, we were trying to figure out ways to solve these problems. I myself would give him his props because alot of people with conditons such as his don't always accept it and dont want to talk about it but, he must be different because he seemed e to me!!

I found more ways to help even more

I already presented how to improve the park but the main thing that should be address is the bikers. I said the bikers because if you go on google maps and look at the roads that lead into Wissahickon park you will see just how hard it is to enter the park. Not only that but if you look at the roads you would not even know there was an park there and many don't even know that you can take the train. I think they should put up signs and arrows that point to the park. I mean they put up signs when they have a new store or want people to buy something. They should have a sign for people to know that there is an place to relax so close.

The park

The park was fun we saw numerous wildlife and got exercise. We learned about erosion and we have thought of some ways to make the park better. I have a few ideas to make the park better. We can make a separate trail for bikes because many people were almost hit a few times and bikers can be very rude to other travelers so if they had their own path it would be more friendly. Those are just a few ideas to make the park better. Hope they can help.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Major importance

Heres a a picture of Dr. Masucci and I talking about the scavenger hunt. This picture made the Philadelphia Inquire. Here's a link to the article. Enjoy!!....

The Encounter

Today my group and I went out on a hiking adventure. We met up with Kevin from Friends of The Wissihickon, and from there we hiked up and down the creek. Along the way we stopped at different key points in our walk. One of the things that Kevin mentioned was "signage". it basically is signs that show you where you are and things that could possibly save you if you were lost. The second thing was erosion. In and around the park erosion is a major issue. Because the creek is at the end of the hill water rushes down the sloped sides. And with it comes down trees, uplifting roots and such. Also there is what is called Invasive Weeds. That is when a certain type of plant pops up in a stretched area or patches and just invades and grows. Usually these weeds aren't native to the Wissihickon.


You would think that because we live in Philadelphia it would be hard to see so many trees and space at one time or it may take time to get there. Well if you thought that then you were wrong, it takes only five minutes on the train (the R6 on the Regional Rail) so go on out to just venture the wonderful sights of the Wissahickon park.


Today we went to Wissahickon Park like I said we would. When we got there we were met by a member of the Friends of the Wisshickon, his name was Kevin. He asked us to look as we walk and see how we could improve the park and make it more accessible. Just as I expected it was balls of fun and so many people riding bikes it was really cool , people of all ages were riding. I saw that many people use the park for hiking, family walks, and sightseeing. I would definately recommend that if you want to be close to nature or just want fresh air then go to the Wissahickon park.
What I loved the most I would have to say was the the water and the waterfall it was just so beautiful to me and I liked how the birds just use the river as nesting grounds, this amazed me. One thing that we could do to help the park is to make some type of stand with water and chips and pickup the trees and sticks that have fallen. Along with that they could make the road more level. Another thing that could help is if they would redo the Bridges because they are not sturdy enough. I almost forgot they should have sitting tables so people can sit and eat or just to relax. Not only would people come out more to the park if they had tables and seats but the park could have events. Over all I believe the park is great and just needs a little work, but it is really great for people to run and bike. I also think that they should have another trail for bikers and runners. They shoudl aslo make the trail for the bikers wider because it seemed to me that they did not have too much room to ride and enjoy the park.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Can't Wait

A lot of groups have already gone to Wissahickon Park and I can't wait to go. Everyone said it was fun and there was lots to see, but I told them not to tell me, I want to see the adventure for myself. I really want to just see how many trees we still have in Philadelphia and experience a place that we have not yet torn down.

Route To Wissahickon

Tomorrow we are going to Wissahickon Park, we will be taking the Septa R6. We are going to leave at 1:00 pm. Once we are there we will be observing the park and thinking of ways that we can improve it and make it more accessible. Our goal is to think of ways that will make it easier for people to enjoy the park. While we are there we will think about how much it has changed over time and try to understand the reasons behind these changes. As I said in my other blog I had looked it over this weekend so this should be interesting and something new for the group to see and learn about as well. We were already told about how people from around the world have brought seeds from other countries to the park and changed what grow there; so I want to see just how that affected the land. Hopefully by the end of this program we will have come up with a way for the public to be able to take more pleasure in all that the park has to offer. If you would like to see the route we will be taking to get to the park click on this link:
-Satiecka Hearn

Benjamin Franklin Parkway

Today was very fun at the Parkway. We started at City Hall in the direction of The Art Museum. The Parkway was a fun experience. Even just walking down the Avenue of the Flags was just amazing because it made us realize how many different cultures are represented in the population of Philadelphia. Love Park is the prettiest park I have been to. One thing that I learned that I found very interesting is that Swan Lake represents 3 rivers The Delaware, The Skuykill and, The Wissahickon River. Overall it was a fun and enjoyable day and we even learned some things too!!

The Steps

The walk we took was 3.2 miles which to me was not that long because i have walked much further before but along the way we stop at an very historical place which was the Art Museum the very steps we ran up and down were the same ones Rocky ran up. To me that was very amazing sight to see

The Art Museum Is A Beautiful Place To Visit!

Parkway Fun!!!!!

Yesterday was really fun. We caught the subway and got off at city hall when we got there we were instructed on what routes we would be taking and where we would be going. We arrived at love park first there we took pictures and met up with Dr. Masucci, our other tour guide. Afterwards we walked past a few informational sideways, and learned about different monuments and structures. The sight we saw that amazed me the most I would have to say was the fountains they represent so much that you would never guess before you read their history history. I thought that it was a fun and educational experience for all

Trip To Parkway

Well Yesterday It Was My Group's Turn To Go On The Trip To Parkway. We Had So Much Fun But At The same Time It Was Kinda Long And Tiring. We Took A lot Of Pictures Of Things To Put On Our Blog So It Can Be The Best . We Also Recorded Videos, One Of These Videos Was A Video Of Us Running Up The Steps Like Rocky! After That We Ate At Subway Which Was Very Refreshing. Well That Is All I have To Say About Yesterday So Until Next Time . . . .

The Parkway Trip

The parkway was an interesting trip. We walked approximately 3.2 miles and it was a hike! Sadly the walking killed the trip's excitement and it was hard for people to enjoy it but overall the knowledge was very informative. It may have been more effective if the walk was a little shorter and not up hills or cliff-like structures. Also if the break was longer it would benefit others. Overall I had fun and learned some new things, and I'm sure others did too

Our VERY long walk

Yesterday we walked 3.15 miles it was very tiring but i learned a lot. But there was this one stop (at the right ) were was the most fun. It was fun because three, of my friends (Mehran, Tyler,Chablis was racing up the steps.Mehran cheated because he used his freakishly long legs.

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Today, about yesterday!

Yesterday, we had a whole adventure. First, we came to work and then they told us about what we were going to do. We paired up and picked buddies(a friend that we were going to be responsible for) and got on the subway. Finally we got off the train at city hall. You really see a lot of strange things down in center city. it was funny though. We basically went on a tour around the parkway and to the art museum it was really hot and a lot of people were complaining it was really annoying. But, I got over it and we started listened to the information that they were giving us about the history behind the statues and the fountains. The statue that really got to me was the Holocaust memorial statue. I learned about the Holocaust in The 7Th grade and it really got to me.I thought the whole trip was okay, and I learned some new things; I just hope tomorrow wee don't walk as much!

Monday, July 20, 2009

City Hall/Art Museum!

Well today was kind of a fatigue day. First we got on the subway then after we got off the subway we took pictures of the City Hall and stuff like that. After that we walked from City Hall to the Art Museum which was boring and exhausting because we had to walk in the hot sun and the only time we had a break was when we got to the Art Museum. I did learn a lot throughout the course of the day, but it was kind of hard because Iwas tired and hot. The best thing about today was taking pictures in the love park ah'a! Well i think thats it for today you gals!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

What I did for Monday

I did a little research on the Wissahickon it seems to me that it is a very big and incredibly interesting place. I am excited that we will be spending so much time there, and I will be able to see the things that I aw in the pictres and read about in my research up close and personal. I hope to see the many more different areas there when I get there Wednesday.

Friday, July 17, 2009


I'm excited because we get paid today. We had a presentation on Wissahickon park it was kind of boring. Kevin made good points on the park. The Wissahickon sounds like an exciting park. So I"m going to enjoy the rest of my day. Peace and Love

~Hot Sauce~


Today so far we learned about what we will be doing for the rest of the week next week we will be going to Wissahickon Park two times . While we are there we will have to describe what we see and what we learned, it sounds like fun to me. Here is a picture of me smiling because I am so excited togo to the park!!

The Wissahickon...

Okay..well so far today the only thing that we did was we went inside of a classroom and we learned about how we were getting paid and we learned about The Wissahickon park by an instructor named Kevin( he was nice, I guess). So basically they were telling us the fees that we were going to be charged for the card and the different ways that we could use it. So then Kevin came in the room and started telling us about the Wissahickon park. He was basically telling us the route that we would be taking when we go down there and he was telling us a little bit of the history behind it. I 'm excited about going into the park, and I am looking forward to learning more about it. So thats it for now.!!


The Wissahickon is a very big and amazing park if you do not know were you are going you can get lost . It also has many different plants to see that have came from all over the world from many different people. The Wissahickon is connected to many lakes and river's that at the end go to the Atlantic ocean .


Today on this lovely first friday we learned about where we were going to go next week. We learned about wildlife and wissahicon park from kevin the volunteer. It was a little enjoyable.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

About me (Satiecka Hearn)

Well as you know who I am but now I want to tell you a little about me. I am 16 teen and I go to Kensington Creative and Performing Arts I am a straight A student and I am always on honor roll no matter what. I love to sing ,dance,write poetry,read,and learning new things. Also I think of myself as an very easy person to get along with. By the way I am from Trenton New Jersey.

How this program have changed me

Hi My name is Satiecka C. Hearn for those who do not know me . I want to just describe how this program as changed me within just just two weeks. Well let me just start off by saying that when I first came to bits I felt out of place by me being a shy person to meet new people but everyone here is so kind for example Brittany sorry to all the other mentors but she is the best mentor. I say this because from day one she made sure everyone talked to each other ad understood why they are here plus she made the actives we do fun. We may have not known her long but everyday Brittany makes working fun by showing us how it would be to interact with the real work world. Since I have been here I have made friends and buildings and places I never knew were on Temple campus and that this program is really about go green meaning how to help the environment and make it better. By the way if you don't understand what our nae mean Sugar Honey Ice Tea well sugar is for how sweet we get along Honey is how we stick together so well Ice how we can cool each other down when one is not up and happy Tea is for how we come as one.

The history of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway

The history on the parkway is amazing how it has been through so many changes for example they have changed it so many times that the trees were being effected. They were effected so intensely that many were dieing or not growing right . So now they are trying to refurnish the park and make it more current, they call it rehabilitation.

The rest of the week

Group original learned about twitter and how to get our blog read more and seen by the twitter internship. I learned a lot about twitter I did not know it was very helpful information. Google earth is also very helpful it shows you how you can go around the earth see what is going on and how each place on earth goes through changes. Using the history application we can see how places have changed overtime and it is really interesting.

University Negro Movement Association

On Tuesday we viewed university negro improvement association it was very interesting to see something that was so old to still be there. Then afterwards we went to the computer room to research The opportunities industrialization center which
is located at 1415 N. Broad Street suite 227 Philadelphia PA, 19122-3323. It is an nonprofit organization that works through network of local affiliated organizations. The founder of it is Rev. Leon H. Sullivan. I think that it is a very positive organization that is doing positive things for the community and I recomend that everyone look at it.

Cool Day

Today we were vividly intrigued by a presenter showing us about twitter and how we can improve the environment over this site, also the usefulness it can bring. We went to lunch and after we had an amazing jam session with local campus rappers and a great surprise guest MC, all in all, I enjoyed it and there was a video posted, so you should check it out.


Today was a okay day. I learned more about twitter and blogs. The lady that was talking was kind of boring though. Lunch today was fun we took a lot of funny pictures. It was hot as ever outside i almost passed out, seriously. One thing that made the day interesting was Tyler freestyle. The other boys from temple college was rapping also, it was hilarious. I guess I'm looking forward to the next day here at temple college.


I am Raven! Thee Best! Love Eating! Spending Time With friends! Shopping Is A Habit! Laughing At People Is Just For Fun! Very Nice When i Want To Be! Love Meeting New People I think! Addicted To Fashion! Summer 09 is Here! Working At Temple Is Awesome! We Have Done A lot During The Past Few Weeks. I Have Learned Things i never learned before! What I Want To become When I Get Older Is A Fashion Model!
:) hehehehehehehe

Monday and the Parkway

This week I can say was much more interesting then the first week. On Monday we learned about the history of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway and how the look of it changed overtime. We also learned about how the park is a home for many people! We also learned about the accessability problems that people experience in the park which makes it harder for everyone to utilize it. In addition we learned how so many trees have been remove and replaced with sidewalks, which is an important environmental issue today!.

What a day

Today we learned how to use twitter to promote our blog, however i really don't care for twitter; even so it was a very interesting lecture. Other than that after lunch Tyler Tynes had spit a few bars TWICE.!! to a group of strangers. No we are in here working on our blog which I think is turning out very well. So over all we had a productive day

-Kia H.

July 16th 2009 Tynisha's blogg!:P

Well,today what we did was a little boring because all we did was learn about twitter and Benjamin Franklin Parkway. We had a twitter internship group come in and explain to us about how twitter works and how you get people to follow your profile. Then we went to lunch and everybody was cracking corny jokes and talking about dumb stuff that was really irrelevant. Before we went inside to learn about the parkway we ran into some guys rapping in the middle of the campus and Tyler thought he had skills and started rapping with them it was decent, a little bit. Then we came inside and learned about The Parkway by reading and summarizing a article, it was interesting to see how that park has changed over time and why it is the way that it is. Now we're in here blogging and telling the world what we've learned!! : )


today we done we eat. and we have fun. and we was hearing people rap in the street. then we went to the commpter room to do the blogger. in the blogger we wirte about want we done to day. then we went to the class room the read about the park histor.


its a quick freestyle describing the group and our outer facets concerning life and the rhythm and rhyme that accompanies us all the way down to our soul. I think it was a good solid rap and raps like these should appear once a week

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Induction

During today's hours from 1 to 4 we basically had a exposure to Google Earth in the lab. We simply just played around with the program. Also the past two days we have been messing around with Google Sketch Up. We learned the main tools and I like it a lot. I already was familiar with the settings and tools because I used it in another program so I just made my model and helped anybody around me that needed some kind of help like making roofs, or filling things in with different layouts and colors.
So some of the goals i would like to accomplish would be to become more familiar with technology, to be able to do things without much difficulty and with much more positive results. I hope to acquire a sense of confidence in working in group a environment. So I guess that's all for now, thanks!


Welll My name Is Shy'kira I Love To Go Down North Philly And Spend Time With The Family And I Go To Parties When There Is A Full Moon ! I Love Being On Myspace And Eating Or Watching TV I Really Just Have A Simple Life And I Love Going To South St And 40th street On Saturdays. That is One Thing About Me I Love Going Places And Seeing New Thing Especially On Saturdays. I Love To Be On The Phone Too And I Am Always With My Sister And My Best friend. My Goals For This Summer And For This Summer Program Are To Make New Friends, Learn Things, And Be Myself ! There's My About Me...

Joshua Santiago

im joshua i like to play football. and i like to hang out. and ride bike. and i like to eat food. and in this summer job I learn about google earth how to use it.

tynisha taylor

This is Tynisha Taylor. I dont really like telling people about myself. But I have to because my supervisor is nice and she asked me to so I'm going to. I like arguing i guess. I love my brothers, my mom, my dad, and my cousins. This program is pretty good so far. Throughout the course of this sumer program I plan on learning mostly about computers and nature and how to become more environmmental.
dats it


I'm Tyler, I go to Saint Joseph's Prep and I wrestle, box, and all around fight.
I'm very athletic and a little smart, I play any sport I can and I dance all around Philly whenever I can. I break, pop, and used to ball room dance. I'm very outgoing talkative sometimes, ha, and try to be friends with anyone. I rock it hard and old school, just kidding. I can be a respectable citizen of times

My goals for the program are to learn geographical mapping and learn the basics about technology. I would also Like to become proficient in google maps and all of the google applications.

Kia Howard

I am Kia and I am very outgoing. I'm an aspiring actress.
My goals for this program are to learn how to use google maps productively and how to create a gmail In addition I would also like to learn how to use a blog.

Chablis Morant

My name is Chablis Morant and I love socializing. I love to play sports, especially BASKETBALL. Basketball is my life, I play 24/7. My position in basketball is point guard. So anyone check me up one on one. My favorite colors are yellow, orange , and baby blue. I have two brothers who are totally weird but I still love them. In this fall I'm attending Cardinal Dougherty High School home of the Cardinals. Working at Temple is awesome. I'm learning about the environment and having fun, how cool is that? This summer I hope to learn how to map and learn more about the environment.